Affinity Laser + Med Spa on Galveston Island, TX is now offering a new service in its May 2014 special: Microdermabrasion. If you buy 1 microdermabrasion service at $99, you get the 2nd session 50% off! Also included in the May 2014 special is Botox® @ $9/unit and buy 1 body wrap, get the 2nd Free. (a $100 value)
What better way to get ready for the summer? Call 409-497-2800 to schedule a free consultation today, and to learn about our other services as well! We want to help you enhance your beautiful features, and we promise that it will be an enjoyable experience along the way. View the full May 2014 Special Flyer
What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors. It makes subtle changes, causing no skin color change or scarring. It is not effective for deeper problems such as scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, or deep acne scars.
With microdermabrasion, there is less down time than with dermabrasion. Skin is temporarily pink but fully recovers within 24 hours. It doesn't require surgery or anesthetics. That may help people who cannot take "down time" for healing. In microdermabrasion, tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin to gently remove the outer layer of your skin. This technique is less aggressive than dermabrasion, so you don't need numbing medicine. It is basically an exfoliation and skin rejuvenation procedure that leaves skin looking softer and brighter.